Change password of ECE accounts

ECE linux/email accoun is different from ECE samba account. The password has to be changed seperately

To change ECE linux/email account:
  1. Download a ssh client if you don't already have one, putty is a good ssh client for MS-Windows, which can be easily found by google search
  2. Some ECE password servers can only be accessed from ECE internal machines, if you try to access password server from home, please ssh to any ECE Tier-1 ssh gateway machine first, otherwise skip this step
  3. ssh to your research group password server. (The password servers are: picton.eecg for EECG group; for communication group; emserver.waves for EM group; alfheim.control for CONTROL group; energy.ele for ELE group; photonics.light for PHOTONICS group
  4. After you connect to your password server, Type "passwd" in the command line to change your password
  5. The new password will be propagate to all the other Unix servers including the email servers by the system automatically in up to 30 minutes.
  6. You may still have to use your old password within 30 minutes after you change your password. If you new password does not work after 30 minutes, please send ecehelp a note
  7. Type "exit" to logout from your password server
To change password of ECE samba account:
  1. Download a ssh client if you don't already have one, putty is a good ssh client for MS-Windows, which can be easily found by google search
  2. Some ECE password servers can only be accessed from ECE internal machines, if you try to access password server from home, please ssh to any ECE Tier-1 ssh gateway machine first, otherwise skip this step
  3. ssh to your research group samba password server. (The password servers are: samba.eecg for EECG group; for communication group; samba.waves for EM group; samba.control for CONTROL group; samba.ele for ELE group; samba.light for PHOTONICS group
  4. After you connect to your samba password server, Type "smbpasswd" in the command line to change your password
  5. The new password will be in effective immediately.
  6. Type "exit" to logout from your samba password server