Email address: cuiwei ATT
Office: GB403
Born in Shanxi, China, Wei Cui got his B.Sc from Department of Physics, Peking University in Beijing in 2008. After that, he came to University of Toronto in August, 2008.
Now he is a graduate students with
Prof. Hoi-Kwong Lo. He is interested in the research about the theory
of quantum information. In particular, the Schmidt number of
multipartite entanglement and the LOCC transformation probability between multipartite pure states.
Besides that, he is also interested in teaching, Karate, music and Philosophy.
Van Kranendonk Teaching Assistant Award----2009-2010
1. W. Cui, W. Helwig, H. -K. Lo, Phys. Rev. A, 81, 012111 (2010)
2. W. Cui, E. Chitambar, H. -K. Lo, Phys. Rev. A, 82, 062314 (2010)