
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Toronto


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BA 7106 (Bahen Centre for Information Tech, 40 St. George Street)

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Dept. of Elec. and Comp. Engg.,

University of Toronto
10 King's College Road
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 3G4.


I received my B. Tech. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay in 1990 and my Ph.D. from Syracuse University , Syracuse, NY in 1996, both in Electrical Engineering. In January 1997 I joined Research Associates for Defense Conversion, Inc. working on a research contract with the Signal Processing Branch of the Sensors Directorate within the Air Force Research Laboratory at the Rome Research Site (It used to be AFRL/SNRT).

I joined the ECE Dept. of the University of Toronto in August 2000 where my primary appointment is with the Communications Group , but I am also cross listed with the Electromagnetics Group . My research is largely in the physical layer of wireless communication systems and signal processing for radar systems.



Research Page : Overview of my group's research goals, current and past work


Wireless NetworksMy work in wireless communications focuses largely on analysis and design of heterogeneous networks and massive MIMO systems. Of specific interest is resource allocation in multi-tier and backhaul-limited heterogeneous networks, tools to analyze the costs and benefits of cooperation in distributed networks and looking into practical considerations in the implementation of both distributed and centralized massive MIMO systems.


Signal processing for radar systems : The goal of my work in radar systems is to develop theory and algorithms to be able to field advanced signal processing techniques. In this regard, we are currently investigating waveform design techniques, the use of orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA), cognitive task scheduling and practical signal processing tools for cross-arrays. Our main application is HF systems such as high frequency surface wave radar (HFSWR) and over-the-horizon radar (OTHR).

For my work in signal processing for radar systems, I received the 2009 Fred Nathanson Young Radar Engineer of the Year award…and was promoted to Fellow of the IEEE as of January 2017. I am (as of September 2016) the vice-chair of the IEEE Radar Systems Panel.