ECE1508S: Multiuser Information Theory
Spring 2024
Project Information
Project Requirement: A research project is an integral part of this course. A project can be a survey of a classical topic in multiuser information theory or an application of multiuser information theory. You will be graded on the clarity of problem formulation and the technical depth of your oral presentation. The project is expected to have some novel insights beyond the existing literature: e.g., new problem formulations, or novel solutions, or new applications, or numerical evaluation on practical settings. Projects are individual based.
Project Proposal: Each student must submit a one-page project proposal including a list of references on February 29, 2024. The proposal is not graded.
Project Presentation: Each student must prepare a 10-minute presentation to take place on April 11, 2024. Please submit your slides one day before the presentation.
Project Report: Each student must submit an IEEE conference style, max 5-page, double-column project report. The project reports are due on April 11, 2024.
Project Topics: The following is a list of classical areas in multiuser information theory that you may do a project on. You are also encouraged to come up with your own topics.