BioSec.Lab PPG Dataset (Biosec1) - Benchmark Dataset for PPG Biometrics
The BioSec.Lab PPG Dataset (Biosec1) contains PPG signals in following four different settings.
- Relax Condition : 86 subjects
- After Exercise: 40 subjects
- Short Time-Lapse: 55 subjects
- Long Time-Lapse: 37 subjects
- Fingertip video: 36 subjects
For all settings, data was collected in office environment and participants were allowed to talk during data collection. More details on each one is provided below. You are also welcome to contact us for inquiries.
Recording Device
For data collection, plux pulse sensor was used. It has both LED and PD on same side, hence it records reflective type of PPG. LED operates on green light with wavelength of 520nm. Sensor connects to "Bitalino Micro-Controller Unit (MCU) , which sends real time data via Bluetooth to OpenSignal desktop application. Pulse sensor was placed on fingertip of each subject with help of black velcro strip. Velcro strip helps to maintain good contact with skin surface and provides isolation with ambient light.
Relax condition
In this setting, PPG signals were recorded in relax condition for 3 minutes from fingertip using plux sensor. Dataset contains such signals from 86 different subjects.
After Exercise
Purpose of this setting is to assess effect of physical stress. In this setting, subjects were asked to perform some form of intense exercise to increase Heart rate for sufficiently long period of time, e.g. climbing up and down staircases very fast. After enough exercise, PPG signals were recorded from fingertip using plux sensor. 40 subjects participated in this experiments. Relax condition data is also available for all 40 subjects to evaluate effect of exercise.
Short Time-Lapse
Purpose of this setting is to assess short term variations in PPG signals. In this setting, PPG signals were recorded over two sessions with atleast 30 minutes of time difference between them on same day. In each session, 3 minutes long PPG was recorded from 55 subjects.
Long Time-Lapse
A Purpose of this setting is to assess long term stability of PPG signals in biometric applications. 3 minutes long PPG signals were recorded from 37 subjects over two sessions with atleast 2 weeks of time difference between them.
Fingertip video
In addition to using plux sensor, thought of using mobile camera had also been put. In this setting, subjects were asked to put their fingertips on mobile camera lens in good lighting conditions. Video was recorded in that condition for 1 minutes. 36 such videos from different subjects are also available for experiments.
Participant-related Data
All the participants were students at University of Toronto with no history of cardiac problems.