This is an introductory course on probability theory from its foundational axioms to the central limit theorem as well as an initial exposure to statistical methods for data analysis.
This course provides an introduction to methods of analog and digital communication systems, building upon and applying the concepts of signal representation discussed in former courses.
This course covers fundamental concepts in digital signal processing including sampling and reconstruction, the z-Transform, discrete-time Fourier transforms and their implementations, multirate signal processing and digital media.
This themed-course focuses on multidisciplinary topics related to smart grid security. In addition to in-depth lectures, invited public seminars provide a broad perspective.
This course provides an introduction to fundamental concepts in digital signal processing including discrete-time LTI systems, discrete-time Fourier transforms and their implementations, and digital media.
These resources introduce real-time DSP applications, algorithms and hardware to bridge the mathematics introduced in an undergraduate DSP course with practical implementation issues.
This course introduces students to timely topics in cyber-physical security of modern power systems. Timely technological solutions based on research papers and technical reports in the field are surveyed in depth.
These resources introduce real-time DSP applications, algorithms and hardware to bridge the mathematics introduced in an undergraduate DSP course with practical implementation issues.
This course introduces mathematical descriptions of signals and systems and tools for analyzing and designing the class of continuous-time and discrete-time linear time invariant systems.
This course first provides an introduction to discrete-time systems and then elucidates advanced topics including sampling rate conversion, digital filter banks, linear prediction and adaptive filters.