2019 Openings in Kundur Research Group

The Kundur Research Group has potential graduate-level (masters, PhD) openings for September 2019 at the interface of smart grid, cyber-physical security, data analytics, machine learning and distributed control. Students with strong academic records, good communication skills, and a natural interest in lifelong learning are encouraged to apply. Applicants should have an undergraduate degree or undergraduate and master’s degree in electrical & computer engineering or equivalent (e.g., systems engineering, computer science depending on the projects of interest) with relevant courses in area(s) of interest.

Multiple Research Openings in Kundur Group

If you are a UofT student and are interested in research or graduate studies with me, feel free to email me for an appointment and come talk to me in person.

If you are interested in applying for graduate studies in Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto, I encourage you to visit the UofT ECE Graduate Office website. If you decide to apply and would like me to consider your application, please list my name as a faculty member with whom you are interested in working with in your application.