Mindful Manipulation

Professor Deepa Kundur gave a well-attended invited guest lecture on November 17, 2015 entitled Photography and the History of the Manipulated Image  in tandem with The Robert McLaughlin Gallery exhibit Mindful Manipulation (Selections from the Thomas Bouckley Collection) that runs from August 26, 2015 to January 10, 2016. The talk was presented in partnership with The Robert McLaughlin Gallery and the Oshawa Historical Society.

Novelty Oshawa Postcard Lecture Abstract: “Seeing is believing” and “a picture is worth a thousand words” are common idioms that have shaped and influenced the way in which we have interpreted, weighed and valued photographs in society. But what if these photographs are not what they seem? In this talk we will begin with a historical account of doctored photographs leading to modern digital techniques for image modification. We will discuss the emerging field of digital forensics and its technological use in applications beyond classical image modification.