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Microsoft Windows XP


Microsoft Windows 7


Debian Linux


Mac OS

For Linux users in self-support machines: (One samba account can be used by one user only; home user should connect to ece vpn server first)

Option 1 for machines with only one user : ( Printing submitted by all users in this machine is authenticated by the same username/password )

1. login as root, install cupsys in your linux client machine (apt-get cupsys cupsys-bsd cupsys-client)
2. run "lpadmin -p <PRINTERNAME> -v "smb://<USER>:<PASSWORD>@<SERVERIP>/<PRINTERNAME>" -E
((example: lpadmin -p lp4000 -v "smb://jli:abcdefg@" -E ))
3. run "lpadmin -d <PRINTERNAME>"

Option 2 for machines shared by multipal users: ( All users have their own ECE samba accounts, printing should be authenticated by the user's own username/password)

1. login as root, install cupsys in the linux client machine (apt-get cupsys cupsys-bsd cupsys-client)

2. Right click ecesmb (samba backend) and choose "save link as ..." to save the file to your local machine..

3. copy the downloaded ecesmb file to /usr/lib/cups/backend

4. chmod 700 /usr/lib/cups/backend/ecesmb

5. run " lpadmin -p <PRINTERNAME> -v "ecesmb://<SERVERIP>/<PRINTERNAME>" -E
((example: lpadmin -p lp4000 -v "ecesmb://" -E ))

6 run "lpadmin -d <PRINTERNAME>"

Any user wants to print to the printers created by Option 2 must have samba credential in .smb/credentials file in his/her home directory

a. login as regualr user; run "mkdir .smb" (create .smb directory, don't ignore the dot before smb)

b. run "cd .smb" and create a file named credentials in .smb directory (don't forget the s in the end of the file name)

-------------- credentials file example ------------------------

# printerserver:printername samba_user samba_password jli examplepass0 jli examplepass0


c. chmod 600 credential
